The Cutest First Valentine’s Date I’ve Ever Seen
Let me just start with chivalry is not and I repeat is NOT dead!
I have a friend in Oregon who has a 7-year-old daughter. Her name is Abby. And Abby went out on her first date yesterday for Valentine's Day and I would like to report that it is basically the cutest thing I have ever seen and the boy that took her out is probably more kind, sweet and thoughtful than most men that I know. His name is Emri.
He picked her up at her house (mom drove, obviously lol), came to the door and greeted her. Opened the car door for her!!
He took her out for an early dinner.
*Insert heart face emoji's. A whole freaking line of them*
I understand that people are probably freaking out about how young they are but what I am surprised at is how well this young boys parents taught him to treat girls. SO thoughtful and such a gentlemen. I think you HAVE to teach kids young how to respect the opposite gender because if you, as the parent don't, then culture and society, friends at school ,etc, will and we all know how scary that looks!
I just think it's about the cutest thing I have ever seen and although I am not a parent, yet, I think I would have taken just as many pictures (if not more) because I would want proof that this adorable day happened. Oh, PS, can imagine how Abby feels?? She probably feels like a queen or a princess and the luckiest girl in the world. And you know why that is important? Because the next boy that comes along and DOESN'T treat her this way will probably get the boot! This boy has set the bar pretty high for all other boys that come into Abby's life. That is a priceless lesson right here, folks.
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