As more and more stores nationwide opt out of selling guns at their locations, and more and more people push for gun reform, one gun manufacturer is taking an unlikely stance. In just the past few weeks, Albertsons, Walmart and Kroger/Fred Meyer have publicly requested that customers don't open carry in their stores anymore, even in states where it's legal.

The gun manufacturer Colt announced Thursday that it will stop making AR-15 rifles for the civilian market.

“Over the last few years, the market for modern sporting rifles has experienced significant excess manufacturing capacity,” Colt CEO Dennis Veilleux said in a statement. “Given this level of manufacturing capacity, we believe there is adequate supply for modern sporting rifles for the foreseeable future.”

Colt will continue to manufacture the rifle for government weapons contracts. Meanwhile, The New York Times reports that the announcement is unlikely to make it more difficult for gun buyers to purchase powerful semiautomatic weapons.

Says Timothy D. Lytton, a gun-industry expert from Georgia State University, "If there’s market demand, I’m sure there are other companies with the capacity to fill it.” Indeed, one mom 'n pop gun dealer says Colt's decision "opens the door for smaller businesses such as myself."

You know Montana loves our guns and gun rights. Do you see this becoming an issue?


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