Sex Trafficking in Billings
I hope they give this young man the fullest sentence that he can receive. Sex trafficking is one of the grossest things on planet Earth and the people who administrate it and manage it are the lowest of low. I can't even put to words everything I want to say about this subject and even if I could I probably shouldn't because it wouldn't be very nice. Here is the news story of a scum bag:
KCTR Newsroom - Human trafficking in Montana has been traced back to a Washington man, accused in a federal investigation. 23-year-old Andrew Anthony Rivera of Tacoma was charged and released after an initial court appearance on Wednesday in Yakima. U.S. Magistrate Judge Mary Dimke denied a prosecution motion to detain Rivera and released him– on condition of electronic monitoring and home detention– pending a Feb. 2 hearing in Billings.
Rivera appeared for an initial hearing on the Montana charges Wednesday. The indictment charges Rivera with sex trafficking by force and transportation of a person with intent to engage in sexual activity. Sex trafficking carries a mandatory minimum of 15 years to life in prison and a $250,000 fine.
The indictment alleges that in 2014, Rivera forced a person to engage in commercial sex and that in April 2016, he transported another from Washington to Montana for similar purposes.
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